In this era of rush, fashion is a very crucial illustration of individuality, which at times could be complicated, yet young people at this time use clothing, manners of dressing, and culture as a way of fathoming their own identities. Fashion is not just clothing but is more beyond that, you talk about a trend, personality, makeup, home decor, and of course your deep and inner beliefs.
The clothes we wear are the extensions of ourselves. Traditionally, fashion is considered an outlet for our self-expression, reflecting our social status, ambiance, and, at times, attitude. Every time the landscape of fashion has been changing, via the unyielding demand that is perpetuating the biting thirst to keep up with the altering longings and set forth of traditions. On one hand, however, what appeals to the consumers is perennially changing, and who makes the decision is completely immaterial.
In the 21st century, the authority of fashion is very remarkable because of social media and celebrity culture that tend to amplify music, arts and also crafts, jewelry, etc., professionals and amateurs take up this business as a means of livelihood. Trends arise and pass away with incredible speed, taking away any dream hearts of teenagers and also young adults. Even though it seems that the youth prefer the latest fashion trend or one type of clothing pattern or color, this obsession has many drawbacks.
Indeed, some outfits, traditionally recognized for their tendency to completely differentiate themselves from the norms of modesty, might unwittingly generate many disputes and diversions in the community. A collection of daring, extravagant, and fashionable clothing items and styles sometimes edges even closer along the line between proper and excessive fashion which in turn results in a society where people focus only on outward appearances and not on one another.
Here we are in a fashion parallel universe. It's almost fun to see yourself being a part of the sartorial journey but ultimately we need to discriminate and be controlled. Although also true that the merits of fashion being a form of self-expression should not be denied, it is also very helpful to make sure that while doing so, you are thoughtful and conservative as well. As the sayings say, " If the garment is not dressing you properly. Then you could not be well-addressed properly," What an eloquent illustration of the fact that true beauty stems not from the things with which we are covered, but from how we present ourselves